You Deserve Love and Attention
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism
We all deserve to be loved. You can tell that dogs wholeheartedly believe this because we love unconditionally. Everyone makes mistakes or does things we’re not proud of, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t receive love and attention. In fact, in many cases, those are the times that we need love the most. When someone tells you that they love you, no matter what, it helps you to love yourself. It’s only when you love yourself, that you can truly love another.
When I was staying at the shelter in Denver, I knew that the right person would come along who would love me and treat me like the queen I am. I never expected anything less. Sometimes people forget their worth. They might let people into their lives who don’t love and respect them. They end up in relationships where they aren’t treated well and, unfortunately, they eventually believe that they don’t deserve anything more. But that’s not true!
I knew I had my faults, but I was also fully aware that those didn’t define me or my worthiness for love. Just by being myself, I was worthy. I was already complete exactly as I was. Sure, I always wanted to learn more, and do better, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t perfect as is. We’re all unique, and we come from different backgrounds and circumstances. Our differences make us special. Mom saw that I wasn’t your typical dog, and she loved me as I was. She gave me affection when I needed it, and sometimes when I didn’t even want it. I pretended to be annoyed, but secretly I appreciated that she showered me with love all the time.
Mom gave me a lot of hugs and told me that I was the best hugger. I was apparently the perfect height for her to bend down and put one arm around my back between my front legs and around my chest, with the other arm around my neck. In that position, she would plant a kiss on my snout. Mom loved to put her face against mine to look me right in the eyes and tell me what a good dog I was and how much she loved me. She also knew how much I liked it when she’d put a knuckle just inside my ear (not too far) and give it a little scratch. I would groan to show how much I appreciated the show of affection.
Mala and Tessie
We have to add our two cents to today’s dog wisdom because we’re great at giving love. We adore each other and play together all of the time. We both give our human parents lots of kisses (Mala most of all). We both enjoy cuddling with Mom and Dad. Mala sleeps in between them at night and rotates who she presses against the most. Tessie spoons with Mom in the morning and likes to squeeze into any chair Mom is sitting in so they can be close.
Our parents provide us with lots of love and attention in return. Mom is always giving us belly rubs, butt scratches, hugs, and kisses. Dad will jump in too and massage our backs and the scruff at the back of our necks. Ella didn’t enjoy being brushed but we see it as just another way to be showered with affection.
I’m sure you’ve picked up on the fact that there’s no shortage of love in our household. Even the cats get in on it. Kali and Mateo are always in our parents’ laps whenever they are sitting (anywhere really but especially on the couch). If Dad is working late, both cats end up on Mom. Tessie enjoys cuddling with the cats when they allow it.
We all believe that giving and receiving attention is important in relationships and that no one has to do anything special to “earn” love. We show our adoration frequently and openly and think the world would be a better place if more people did the same.
There will always be people who tell you that you need to do or be something else for them to love you. If that happens, move on. They’re not in a place where they can give you what you deserve. Maybe they weren’t treated well in the past and have some things to work through, but it’s not your job to fix that. If they don’t treat you right, find someone who will. Being able to give love starts with loving yourself. The sooner you believe you don’t have to earn love the better off you’ll be.